Sonic Wave Therapy
Sonic Wave Therapy in Boston, MA

Sonic Wave Therapy (SWT) is a safe, comfortable, and proven procedure to improve Erectile Dysfunction (ED), enhance blood flow to the penis, and promote spontaneous erections.
Sonic Wave Therapy utilizes high frequency, low intensity sound waves to target circulatory tissues in the penis. These sound waves can regenerate aging blood vessels, activate the growth of new blood vessels, and stimulate the removal of micro-plaques that block blood flow. Our technicians use a specific (proprietary?) protocol designed by men’s health expert Dr. Abraham Morgentaler to optimize safety and results. At MHB, we offer both Focused SWT and Radial SWT, depending on our patient’s treatment goals.
As the name implies, Radial SWT impacts a wider treatment area, as the sonic waves “radiate” outward over the surface of a tissue. This is best suited for superficial ailments; however, the wider spread of these sonic waves also means that they do not penetrate into deep tissue well.
For patients who struggle with ED or Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), MHB instead utilizes Focused SWT, which is capable of targeting specific problem areas deep within tissues. This not only enhances the treatment’s precision; it shows better clinical results.
After an evaluation by one of our providers, each Sonic Wave Treatment takes 15-20 minutes. While some men experience results after the first session, we recommend a round of 6 treatments. For better, longer-lasting results, we recommend SWT be done in conjunction with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.
Some of the results our patients have reported are:
- Return of morning erections
- More firm, full erections
- Spontaneous erections without medications
- Erections with medication, when ineffective before
- Increased sensation
- More stamina
Call today for your consultation and evaluation 617-277-5000.
**Ask about adding PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy to the Sonic Wave for enhanced and long lasting results.
Research on SWT
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A curative therapy for ED edges forward
Penile LowIntensity Shock Wave Therapy: A Promising Novel Modality for Erectile Dysfunction